TMLA is excited to announce that we have a new and improved application process. Please create a profile here and apply today for the upcoming school year (or for transfer students up through December, for the current school year).
RSVP for our Open House on Sunday, 10/20
We are looking forward to a brand-new style of Open House - a "choose your own adventure" format! Come between 10 am - 2 pm to experience our campus like never before - follow your own map and visit over 30 interactive stations where you can tailor your time to your interests.
Sign up for a "Hilltopper for the Day" Buddy Day
Girls who attend a Buddy Day at TMLA can tell you what a fantastic experience it is to attend real high school classes escorted by a TMLA student ambassador. It is the single best event for your daughter to choose us before you commit to applying.
Now through November (sessions will reopen in February and March).